Vitalnet Overview

The potential: Large, complex data sets such as health data contain a wealth of valuable information. Agencies and businesses invest large amounts of time and money collecting the data, because the data are potentially so useful.

The problem: Existing analysis tools are expensive and awkward. Generic stats software (eg, SAS) is error-prone and tedious, because so many hand-driven operations, and totally impractical for many needed analyses. "Home-grown" data warehouses are expensive, a huge hassle to develop and maintain, liable to rapid obsolescence, and typically fail to meet user needs. Generic data warehouses (eg, Tableau) are expensive, crippled by their need to use pre-processed data, and require large resources to load and test.

The solution: Vitalnet data analysis software solves the problem for you. Vitalnet is a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS), customized, high-performance, user-friendly data warehouse. We quickly implement your specially customized Vitalnet data warehouse. Vitalnet efficiently and cost-effectively analyzes and disseminates large, complex data sets.

Vitalnet provides all needed services:

• Customized user interfaces to query the data.
• Vitalnet data engine to quickly produce output.
• Hosting, help files, user guides, and data importing.
• Other support as needed to ensure project success.

Analyzes large, complex data sets:

Vitalnet currently analyzes birth, BRFSS, cancer registry, hospital discharge, population, pregnancy, multiple cause mortality, underlying cause mortality, and other health-related data sets. Any data set with fields and defined field values can be analyzed: birth defects, census, COVID-19, ER, food stamps, HIV and AIDS, immunizations, infant death, linked births and deaths, Medicaid, Medicare, newborn screening, outpatient care, PRAMS, reportable diseases, screening results, TANF, trauma registry, unemployment, YRBS, WIC.

Serves a broad range of users:

Vitalnet benefits anyone interested in analyzing data, including data analysts, demographers, doctors and nurses, epidemiologists, planners, policy makers, public users, reporters, researchers, students, and teachers.

Serves a wide variety of purposes:

Vitalnet is useful for community assessment, data analysis, demography, disease surveillance, epidemiology, health research, policy making, program assessment and planning, statistical reporting, and many more uses.

Windows Platform - VitalPro for Win32

• Has a simple, efficient interface.
• Has maximum analytical flexibility.
• Is very compact, so easier for users.

Web Platform #1 - VitalWeb Standard

• Main page has most parameters & actions.
• Helper popups select other parameters.
• Separate output window displays output.

Web Platform #2 - VitalWeb Wizard

• Displays dynamically generated "wizard pages".
• Step-by-Step Mode guides and advises the user.
• Jump-to-Step Mode lets user jump to any step.

Web Platform #3 - VitalWeb Ajax

• Is like VitalPro within a browser.
• Has maximum analytical flexibility.
• Is very compact, so easier for users.

Vitalnet is immediately useful:

EHDP guarantees successful operation or your money back. Many organizations spend years developing data warehouse software, often with disappointing results. The dirty little secret is that many millions are wasted on failed data warehouse projects. We deliver guaranteed better performance, at a lower cost. You receive a fully functional, best-performance data warehouse in a few months. See for yourself.

Provides simplified contracting:

Developing complex software is expensive. Ongoing maintenance costs can also be high. Also, putting out an RFP (RFQ), and evaluating responses, takes large amounts of time and money. Then, when all is said and done, after many hassles and headaches, and likely cost over-runs, most projects fail to meet user needs.

In contrast, Vitalnet is a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) solution, so the costs are lower and predictable. Flat-rate Vitalnet licenses are simple to procure. We charge less than any roughly comparable data warehouse and provide a better result.

Is a comprehensive service:

A Vitalnet license includes programming, customization, setup, data importing, and other services needed for project success. We will make needed changes and modifications to meet your needs, usually at no extra cost.

Guarantees project success:

Most data warehouse projects fail to meet user needs. Even if successful, most become obsolete in a few years with advances in technology and changes in requirements. In contrast, Vitalnet is guaranteed to meet user needs, because you can see a fully developed system before you buy. And Vitalnet has a proven track record for adapting to new technologies and requirements, so you are protected from obsolescence.

Vitalnet complies with standards:

• CDC User Interface Style Guide
• CDC NEDSS recommendations
• CDC Assessment Initiative recommendations
• Section 508 disability standards
• Delimited and dBASE III output formats
• WAI accessibility guidelines

Is enjoyable and efficient to use:

• Vitalnet includes online help and tutorials.
• Little training is required, even for new users.
• Uniform business logic across interfaces.
• Prevents selection of incompatible parameters.

Makes publication-ready output:

Tables / Maps / Bar Charts / Line Plots / Pie Charts - Vitalnet quickly makes publication-ready output. Output is professionally formatted and fully documented. Each output type is both attractive and useful. Vitalnet also makes output data files, such as CSV and dBASE III.

Vitalnet makes needed statistics:

• Birth data: birth rate, cesarean rate, low birth wt %, etc.
• Cancer data: AA rates, incidence rates, SIR, etc.
• Death data: age-adjustment, crude rate, SMR, YPLL, etc.
• Hospital data: mean charges, LOS, AA rates, SMR, etc.

• Population data: population, % in age group, median age.
• Pregnancy data: pregnancies, pregnancy rates, etc.
• All data sets: confidence intervals, time-trend analysis.
• We will add other statistics as requested and feasible.

Compares anything with anything:

• Vitalnet is 100% menu-driven for selecting parameters.
• The user controls what kind of table, chart, or map to make.
• No programming required. Easy to select and modify choices.

• Can select age groupings, such as 10-year age groups.
• Can combine categories into sets, such as "White + Other".
• Can make "multi-tables", greatly speeding report production.