Texas Age-Adjusted Death Rate (per 100,000) Year: 2002-2004 Cause of Death: Diabetes mellitus (ICD E10-E14) Place of Residence AADR, Deaths ------------------------------------ PHR 2/3 26.4 3,882 PHR 7 27.5 1,608 PHR 6/5S 28.3 3,431 PHR 4/5N 30.7 1,519 PHR 1 34.3 802 PHR 8 36.7 2,320 PHR 9/10 38.8 1,292 PHR 11 41.6 1,885 ------------------------------------ Total 30.9 16,739 ============================================================================ Unique ID, for keeping track of analyses: 113KJXHT Compiled / run: Jan 13 2013 / Jan 13 2013 (1 second) (VitalWeb Standard) AA (Age Adjustment) Standard Population: 2000 US Standard Population AA Age Groups: Klein and Shoenborn: 0, 1-, 5-, 15-, 25-, ..., 75+ Data Scenario: Texas County Level ICD-10 Underlying Cause Deaths Row Sorting: Sort Totals, Low to High Death data source: Texas Department of State Health Services Population data sources: Texas DSHS and Texas State Data Center