Deaths Year: 1998 Place of Residence: Texas Cause of Death: NCHS Rankable Causes (Leading Causes) Underlying Cause Male Female Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Diseases of the Heart 21,351 21,362 42,713 Malignant Neoplasms [Cancer] 17,195 15,080 32,275 Cerebrovascular Diseases [Stroke] 3,753 6,055 9,808 Accidents [Injuries] 4,907 2,478 7,385 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases 3,297 3,300 6,597 Diabetes Mellitus 2,226 2,662 4,888 Influenza and Pneumonia 2,114 2,474 4,588 Intentional Self-Harm [Suicide] 1,712 419 2,131 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis 1,294 664 1,958 Alzheimer's Disease 491 1,120 1,611 Septicemia 719 869 1,588 Homicide and Legal Intervention 1,136 311 1,447 Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome, Nephrosis 494 529 1,023 Hypertension [Primary and Renal] 372 637 1,009 Congenital Malformations 478 508 986 Human Immunodeficiency Virus [HIV] 781 156 937 Atherosclerosis 343 546 889 Conditions Arising in Perinatal Period 514 361 875 Viral Hepatitis 246 186 432 Hernia and Obstruction 147 282 429 Non-Malignant Neoplasms 170 216 386 Gastric and Duodenal Ulcer 148 139 287 Anemias 119 162 281 Nutritional Deficiencies 89 186 275 Cholelithiasis, Gallbladder Disorders 88 89 177 Tuberculosis 60 48 108 Infections of Kidney 22 51 73 Meningitis 28 30 58 Diseases of Appendix 18 15 33 Hyperplasia of Prostate 29 0 29 Meningococcal Infection 15 8 23 Acute Bronchitis and Bronchiolitis 8 12 20 Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium 0 15 15 Syphilis 1 2 3 Streptococcal Infection 0 2 2 Shigellosis and Amebiasis 0 0 0 Whooping Cough 0 0 0 Acute Poliomyelitis 0 0 0 Measles 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 64,365 60,974 125,339 ============================================================================ Unique ID, for keeping track of analyses: 216YZJBN Compiled / run: Feb 15 2012 / Feb 16 2012 (1 second) (VitalWeb Standard) Data Scenario: Texas County Level ICD-9 Underlying Cause Deaths ICD-9 Codes for Rankable Causes (Leading Causes): Row Sorting: Sort Totals, High to Low Death data source: Texas Department of State Health Services